我被安排到有挑战性的班级,这很好. 有这么多俱乐部也不错. 我也很感激有这么多机会上荣誉课...

  • 伊莎贝拉
  • 9年级




在一次旅行中,我去了这里的教堂. 我在那里呆了大概两分钟,我就想,就是这样了. 我找到了. 有家的感觉. 我花了好几天想弄明白, 我走出教堂,在那一刻, 我以为那是学校.

社区非常欢迎我. And the school was strong in its faith and I could tell that from when I walked in. And the fact that every class was taught from a biblical worldview just drew me in because I wanted to understand how that works. 这就是我来这里的原因.

I appreciate that everyone works well together and no one is left out in any situation. 在这些情况下, 这表明他们有多么坚定的信仰, and they are strong in being loving toward one another and caring about each other.

我被安排到有挑战性的班级,这很好. 有这么多俱乐部也不错. 我也很感激有这么多机会上荣誉课, as I am in two this semester. It has been a great change in my life that has opened more doors of opportunity.

你一走进来,就会有人迎接你. 每次你走进来, 有一张新面孔,一张欢迎的面孔, 他们想了解你. They want to welcome you in and they want to see someone come and join their community.

真是太棒了. 这里有很多精神主导的员工. 我真的很喜欢这所学校.

  • Kayley
  • 9年级




We were touring the school and my parents and I just got this affirmation that this is where I was supposed to be. 欧共体有很好的课程,有很多东西可以提供. 这是一所很棒的学校.

真是太棒了. 这里有很多精神主导的员工. 我真的很喜欢这所学校. I also love the fact that there is a worship team; (in general opportunities for students to mature spiritually.). 我也喜欢分组调度,因为它能更深入地覆盖课程. 

我很欣赏它确实能让人动心, 培养精神,教人改造世界.

很多人投资这所学校,学校也投资他们的学生. 每个老师都关心每个学生. 这里就像一个大家庭. 我被EC所震撼,我在这里发展得很好.


  • Sammuel
  • 9年级




这是一段美好的时光. 我找到了很多朋友. 我觉得我得到了照顾,总的来说这是一个有趣的氛围. 我以前在纽约的一所小型私立学校上学. 来到这里只是一个很大的升级,有更多的人,更多的社交生活. 我喜欢打篮球,我能够为学校打球.




我想要一个紧密联系的社区. 我想要一个人人都有共同信仰的地方. I feel like Eastern Christian does a really good job of putting their faith into everything. Everywhere you look in this school, there is some aspect of faith and Christianity.

  • 凯拉
  • 9年级



户外活动俱乐部, 有目的的舞者, 住, 美国手语, Lacrosse Club; I love community service and I am already almost done with Faith in Action requirements.

我想要一个紧密联系的社区. 我想要一个人人都有共同信仰的地方. I feel like Eastern Christian does a really good job of putting their faith into everything. Everywhere you look in this school, there is some aspect of faith and Christianity.

我研究得越多,就越发现EC不断证明自己. 它符合我想要的一切. It felt like the perfect community; it just felt right. And even in the process of getting into the school, the 工作人员 proved how caring they were. 他们很细心,他们关心每一个学生.

每个人都给每个人机会. 我们都有共同的信仰. 就像一个大家庭. 他们不把学生视为数字. 他们会单独看待他们.

我也觉得他们有很好的职业发展机会. 这是我见过的最“职业和大学准备”的学校. They are doing everything to prepare students for every possible career you can imagine. 我喜欢这所学校里的每个人都是未来思想家,努力让你做好准备. WINGS项目,太好了. 我很兴奋能进入这个领域.

如果你想找一所让你感觉受欢迎的学校, EC是你能找到的最好的地方. 每个人在这里都有自己的位置. 这里有很多不同的俱乐部和俱乐部. 每个人都有自己的定位. 

EC has offered an atmosphere for our children to hear the messages of our home reinforced from other important adults in their lives-messages of faith and character.

  • TJ & Elisa挖
  • EC的父母

TJ & Elisa挖


新葡京app如何改变你孩子的生活?? 如果他们没有来这里,你认为会有什么不同? 

EC has offered an atmosphere for our children to hear the messages of our home reinforced from other important adults in their lives-messages of faith and character.


How has the 工作人员 and/or administration partnered with you to nurture your child’s spirit and engage your child’s mind? 

The teachers and 工作人员 at EC have spent quality time getting to know our children-both strengths and weaknesses. EC has offered special curriculum to allow their strengths to excel and spent extra time with us as parent to find effective ways of supporting the areas of development still to grow.



对我们来说, the dedication of 工作人员 to model the love of Christ to our children daily is the most valuable part of the education at EC.



We are thankful for a place that speaks the truths of Scripture to our children.


What else would you like potential students and donors to know about Eastern Christian?


我们感到很幸运能成为一个以基督为中心的学习社区的一部分. We can’t count the number of times we reflect on how EC reinforces positive values for our daughter... 在英侨,我们有信心把我们最珍贵的礼物留给老师, 工作人员, 以及关心他们发展各个方面的志愿者.

  • Stacy-Ann & 桑杰
  • 父母

Stacy-Ann & 桑杰


我们感到很幸运能成为一个以基督为中心的学习社区的一部分. We can’t count the number of times we reflect on how EC reinforces positive values for our daughter. (我们真的觉得家、教堂和学校是相连的.) She comes home each day and shares her “EC adventures” with us and her little brother. 他很兴奋今年就要开学了. 在英侨,我们有信心把我们最珍贵的礼物留给老师, 工作人员, 以及关心他们发展各个方面的志愿者. We also really appreciate the PTO and striving to foster community amongst the parents.

Our daughter started PK4 this school year, and our experience has been nothing short of amazing! 从学术到培育她的精神成长, 看到我们的孩子热爱PK的每一天,我们高兴极了. 她学到了很多东西,结交了新朋友,并且爱她的每一位老师. It's a true testament of how a school should come alongside a child and nurture so many aspects that make up their whole person. 我们爱你!

  • 乔恩 & 艾琳·高
  • 父母

乔恩 & 艾琳·高


Our daughter started PK4 this school year, and our experience has been nothing short of amazing! 从学术到培育她的精神成长, 看到我们的孩子热爱PK的每一天,我们高兴极了. 她学到了很多东西,结交了新朋友,并且爱她的每一位老师. It’s a true testament of how a school should come alongside a child and nurture so many aspects that make up their whole person. 我们爱你!

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves -- love of God, 热爱教学,热爱孩子. What an incredible opportunity to be part of a school that holds both academic excellence and biblical truth in such high regard.

  • Dr. 唐娜Furrey
  • 老师

Dr. 唐娜Furrey


曾是新葡京app的学生, I know first hand the impact that a Christian school teacher can have on a student’s life. 我将永远感激我的中学科学老师. Although I may not remember any of her lessons, I clearly remember the impact she had on my life. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves — love of God, 热爱教学,热爱孩子. What an incredible opportunity to be part of a school that holds both academic excellence and biblical truth in such high regard. 

For everyone who values a Christ centered education for their children, EC is a good place for you. Here you get to partner with the school in raising a generation of children who are bold in declaring their faith and living godly lives.

  • 埃里克 & Stella Osae-Twum
  • 父母

埃里克 & Stella Osae-Twum



我们很高兴我们的孩子每天都能在学校里听到新葡京app上帝的事. The bible instructs us in Deuteronomy 6:7 to teach the word of God to our children when we sit at home and when we walk along the road, 当我们躺下和起床的时候. 因为他们每天在学校呆7个小时, we are grateful that they do not miss out on hearing God’s word during this period. Our faith and love for God as a community also unifies us and this helps to bridge cultural differences. 我们有幸拥有真诚的朋友.


  • We believe in partnering with the Church and School to raise godly children and EC offered that partnership
  • 令人印象深刻的物理结构和大胆的圣经经文
  • 比我们当时所在的公立学校环境更加多样化
  • 支持人员
  • 温暖的环境,真正的家庭关系可以建立

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at 新葡京app?

我们的孩子喜欢音乐,喜欢在学校学习新的基督教歌曲. 他们也喜欢学习新的圣经经文. The opportunity to come together for chapel every week has taught them that worshipping God is continuous and not a Sunday affair. They are also learning to view things from a Godly perspective as this is emphasized in the subjects taught.

What would you tell another parent to encourage them to consider enrolling their child at 新葡京app?

在我们成长的环境中,学校教导我们信仰上帝. 不幸的是,在我们现在的文化中,情况并非如此. For everyone who values a Christ centered education for their children, EC is a good place for you. Here you get to partner with the school in raising a generation of children who are bold in declaring their faith and living godly lives.




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